Incredible Recipes for Your Breezy Day-to-Day Lifestyle
There are few pleasures on this planet that can compete with dining on a truly incredible meal. If you want to be able to do so day in and day out, then it's up to you to pay us a visit here at, plain and simple.
We're a well-rounded and diverse online source for all people who are on the lookout for casual coastal meal concepts and ideas that are genuinely worth their time.
If you want to establish a coastal kitchen that's exceptional in every manner, then assessing our website can do a lot for you. It can do a lot for the people you feed regularly as well.
We can present you with the finest and most balanced cooking tips around. We can provide you with product reviews that are sincere, detail-oriented and thoughtful to the max, too.
If you want to compare the greatest lake shore vs coast recipes out there, then it's up to you to check out without any delay. We can help you take your existing waterfront kitchen to the next tier, and that's definitely no joke.

We're a website that strives to resonate with individuals who reside on the picturesque lake shore or coast.
We strive to make an impact with individuals who head to kinds of breathtaking locales on a regular basis as well. It doesn't matter if you're an easygoing coastal resident. It doesn't matter if you simply head to the lake for leisure all of the time, either.
We want to accommodate your seafood recipe requests and more here at
We zero in on folks who are all about tranquil existences. If you're the kind of individual who has always been enamored by serenity and ease, then we're precisely the site you need at your disposal.
Options That Can Accommodate All of Your Waterfront Dining Requests and More
We update our informative website with great consistency. That's why our readers never have to wait long at all to receive top-notch food-related content.
If you want access to product reviews and cooking tips that are modern and relevant, then we're readily accessible to you at all times.
We can dazzle you with reviews that can help you make intelligent choices on your next trip to the local grocery store. We can dazzle you with cooking tips that can make tackling any and all of your coastal meal ambitions feel like a cool walk in the park.
If you want to learn about all of the greatest and most advanced seafood preparation techniques, you can depend on our site completely.
If you want to discover the best options that can pave the way for coastal meals that are fresh, tantalizing and distinctive as can be, then you can rely on our site with the same degree of zeal and commitment.

There are so many food preparation sites on the Internet that never change. is definitely not part of that camp. Our team members know just how crucial it is to give our readers information that's both relevant and current. We know that coastal lifestyles change on a routine basis. We admire that as well.
If you have a penchant for casual coastal dishes that are filling, then it's up to you to tour our extensive site. We don't restrict ourselves to dishes that are simply filling, either. That's because our website is a haven for dishes that can suit all kinds of needs and wishes.
If you want to prepare energizing meals that are ideal for social gatherings, we're ready to assist you. If you want to prepare soothing meals that are optimal for lazy nights at home with your cherished ones, we're just as ready to aid you, and that's a simple fact.
What is
We recently acquired in order to fulfill a vision that we could create a blog + store relating to coastal kitchens everywhere.
Whether you own a house or condo at the beach (congrats), or you travel there regularly like we do, we think there is a slightly different vibe, look, mentality people have while near the beach.
We are starting to modify the content a bit from and to match more of this mentality and there is more to come.
It is really about a mentality of slowing down, taking in nature, eating a bit healthier on some days in order to eat poorly on other days. It is about eating really complex recipes on a rainy day, and finding the easiest, best recipe to make when it has rained for 2 days and you want to maximize your time in the sun.
In terms of is about finding great deals on products that you may have for your vacationing visitors (it will find its place in reviews on VRBO / AirBnB), and the best stuff in a closet for when you are enjoying your space yourself.
Who are we?
Daniela is our Website Developer, a Home Chef and mom. She was born and raised in the beautiful coastal city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Dani is obsessed with creating a flawless customer experience, but she asks you to bear with her while she juggles all of her responsibilities. She earned a bachelors degree in Marketing from Georgia State University and a bootcamp certificate for Software Development from Georgia Tech (she worked at Turner Broadcasting for 10 years before switching careers). She currently resides in Chamblee, GA with her husband and 2 kids.
Josh is our online buyer and resident professional chef. Josh attended Georgia Southern University and Johnson & Wales University College of Culinary Arts. He has worked in the kitchens of Atlanta restaurants Pano's & Paul's, La Tavola Trattoria and The Ritz-Carlton Buckhead, as well as Louie’s Backyard in Key West Fla. He lives in Smyrna, Ga., with his lovely wife Kelly and two children Beckett and Kennedy, and spends spare time searching for the perfect bourbon, losing his voice at Falcons games, and refining the art of “porch time.”
Derick, Publisher / GM: Derick is fanatic about creating a community through a superior audience experience, he earned a bachelors degree in Finance from University of Minnesota and an MBA at Emory University and worked for years at Home Depot. He has lived in Atlanta since 2003 with his wife, two kids and “a Carolina dog named Dakota.” He enjoys visits from his mother-in-law, who owns a small brownie company. His favorite recipes are gumbo and the classic old fashioned.
Paula lives with her husband and their 2 children. She likes cooking and making delicious dishes for her family brings her happiness. She hopes to associate with other cooking blogs to have more recipes. Paula is the former editor of
Collectively, we are adamant that we will never write content influenced by or paid for by an advertiser. To support our work, we do make money from some links to companies and deals on our site.