It may sound weird, but cereal milk can be more than just a convenient breakfast. Along with my fellows, I tried making something good with milk, so we combined all kinds of ingredients with milk like different spices and grains, anything you can name.
Some of the recipes turned out amazing, and others; well, let’s just leave it to the imagination. When people think about cereal milk, the comparison just baffles them because it’s quite ordinary. People who have spent most of their lazy Sundays in their pj’s, drowning in a bowl of cereal, know how it tastes somewhat sweet, a little thick in texture, and sort of starchy.
The idea came when we were changing our menu for summer, and our chef wanted to add cornbread frozen yogurt to it. I presumably created around ten distinct forms of custom made cornbread, yet we could not get the flavor and indulgence of the cornbread right with my renditions. We instead got a lot of variations of milk, which tasted like bland versions of cereal.
This experiment didn’t give us the result we wanted. For reasons unknown, I sensed that I’d discovered something great, and that is, milk infusions could simply never go wrong; even when the cornbread milk versions were a complete fail, I still joyfully swallowed all of them. I buried the thought deep and returned to work.
The thought reemerged when we were deciding the menu, and we didn’t have any exciting options for desserts. Furthermore, our freezer, which was supposed to be filled with desserts, was empty, and it was frustrating. I required a sweet, and it was agonizing.
Then I thought if I could put together a dessert that didn’t need frozen to be a hit, it would be just as perfect. That’s when the panna cotta came to my mind. Here’s the thing though, preparing a decent panna cotta might sound easy, but it was a tricky job for me because making it intriguing was a crucial step.
I instantly knew what I wanted. I had been preparing for this second for quite a long time. I was ready to work on this cereal milk infusion. Bull’s-eye! It was a hit. The smart part is that we worked in reverse from that point. I just wanted to make cereal milk panna cotta. However, our head David Chang, pushed me to make cereal milk into frozen yogurt/ ice cream.
We improved it much further, as well, to make a variety of cereal milk with different flavors to be sold at the Milk Bar. Our cereal milk is made of good old Corn Flakes, but we also play around with Lucky Charms and Captain Crunch.
Whether or not cereal milk is an option for you, the procedure of utilizing milk for preparing desserts exists in all kitchens everywhere in the world. It’s a method that is straightforward and available in your personal kitchen too.
“We couldn’t imagine being famous for cereal milk. You can drink it, add it to your cereal, or in your espresso, or you can just transform it into panna cotta. Cereal milk is a complete lifestyle.” says Christina TosiTruly, cereal milk is convenient and straightforward, yet very splendid. Even though you might think of milk cereal as something that you’d dump from your kid’s morning meal bowl, this manifestation is very significantly more propelled than that; we’d never envisioned this flavor could be gotten from a container of Corn Flakes. Or, on the other hand, pretty much any cereal you desire.
The pleasantly soaks milk is genuinely shocking just tasted all alone; however, don’t question its groundbreaking capacities when shaken into a White Russian, spun into panna cotta, or in pretty much anything requiring regular milk.
Cereal Recipes and Ingredients:
• 2 3/4 cups Corn Flakes
• 3/4 cups cold milk
• 2 tablespoons brown sugar
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
Procedure for Making Cereal:
First of you need to head the oven to 300°F.
Then you need to lay down the Corn Flakes on a material lined sheet dish and bake it for at least 15 minutes, until delicately toasted.
After it’s baked, let it cool down (This method gives a more rich flavor to the milk.)
Now put the Corn Flakes into a pitcher. Then add some milk and keep mixing it. Let steep at room temperature for 20 minutes.
Strain the combination through a fine-work strainer, gathering the milk in a medium bowl. At first, the milk will drain quickly, but then a thicker mixture will be left at the end. Utilizing the rear of a scoop or your hand, wring the milk out of the Corn Flakes; however, don’t drive the soft grain through the sifter. (We manure the delicate remaining parts or take them home to our pets.)
Beat sugar and salt in the milk until completely disintegrated, and then taste it to check sugar. If you like your milk more smooth, add fresh milk and a touch of salt to it. Put the cereal milk in a jug or any other utensil and refrigerate it. You can store it for a week.
Some other types of Cereal Milk
• Fruity Cereal Milk
It has a charming peachy tone, and it makes fantastic milkshakes. Follow the formula for Cereal Milk, subbing 2 cups Fruity Pebbles for cornflakes; don’t bake the Fruity Pebbles. Crush the cereal with your hands after deciding the quantity and pour in the milk, as mentioned above.
• Sweet Corn Cereal Milk
This smooth yellow milk is terrific, and it tastes very delicious when poured over baked cornbread. We use it predominantly in a frozen yogurt pie. Follow the above formula for Cereal Milk, add 2 1/2 cups of Captain Crunch for the cornflakes; don’t bake it. Squash the cereal with your hands, pour in the milk as above with your hands, and then pour in the milk.